The Locksmith Radio Show

HI, I'm Locksmith Charley. If you need locksmith service you can call 602-717-5397 (KEYS) and I'd like to welcome you to my show on Independant talk radio, 1100KFNX.

Topics of discussion for 10/25/2015

I've posted on a locksmith only forum inviting everyone to call in with "Funny Locksmith Stories".

I've got one or two myself, now all I have to do is get my pre-Alzheimer's self to remember some...

As I said last week I took a 2 week trip to England so I encourage anyone with questions or comments about travel to England (or anywhere else for that matter) to call in right now at 
602-277-5369 or Toll Free 1-866-566-1100

I'm not sure about my co-host Andrew, but personally I've put a lot of hard work and spent all of about 5 minutes preparing for tonight's show.

We would both love it if y'all would call in with your lock problems, funny experiences, horror stories, and anything and everything else that would tend to amuse the other listeners.

Here is a youtube video sent to me by ALOA's Investigator that explains in detail how the locksmith scammer activities work...

To place requests for service while I'm on the air, send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
and we will get those requests dispatched as quickly as possible.

If you send me an e-mail, make sure to include your NAME, PHONE#, and if its about a vehicle, the YEAR, MAKE, and MODEL so I can look it up.

After the show - Call 602-717-5397 and my assistant or I will answer your call, and handle whatever problem you present efficiently and professionally to the best of our ability. You may have to leave a message if you call during the show.

.        Disclaimer: THE LOCKSMITH CHARLEY SHOW is a private production of Charles Eastwood and the views of Mr. Eastwood and his guests are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of INDEPENDENT TALK RADIO 11OOKFNX, the station's owners, managers, or crew or, the national association that he is a member and Southwest Director of: ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc.  
ALOA-SPAI President Tom Foxwell may join us one of these nights or he may call in, but for now he's sent me this e-mail.

ALOA's official positions that I am allowed to restate are as follows:  

All comments made on the Locksmith Charley Show are those of the person making the comments and not necessarily representative of ALOA-SPAI or KFNX's owners or managers.