1. I have an question for everyone listening. I know already my answer and will reveal it during a later segment of the show. The question is "What is the GREATEST PROBLEM facing America (and possibly the world) today?"
Unlike Savage I don't believe that it is the Demicans, or the Republicrats. I don't believe it is the Economy, Isis, Wars, drugs, the weather, global warming, nuclear power or the lack thereof, world hunger, what God anyone chooses to worship, or what anyone's sexual orientation is.
I have a ONE-WORD answer to the question, which if not corrected, will ultimately lead to our collective demise. I ask all of you to consider this question carefully and call in with your thoughts on what my ONE-WORD answer is.
The call-in numbers are 602-277-5369 or 866-566-1100
2. I desperately need a new lawyer. While preparing for today's show I was perusing my hard drive, looking for items of interest to the listeners, and I looked at a directory that I hadn't looked at in some time, primarily because I was disgusted.
You see my previous attorney David Dow, without my knowledge or consent - and 2-3 days prior to a filing deadline - decided to send me a bunch of paperwork styled as ME - representing myself - filing the appeal in Pro.Per.
As a little background, in 2010 I filed suit against several scammer companies masquerading as legitimate locksmiths and actually won a preliminary injunction. It took nearly a year and a half for the AZ Court of Appeals to schedule an oral argument for my case. It was interesting to note that no less than 6 people not involved in the case (I believe they were employees of the AZ Attorney General's office) were on the left side of the courtroom furiously taking notes.
It was Wednesday before Thanksgiving 2012. Attorney Dow and I were both very shocked, as were the other attorneys for the defendants, when the first words out of the Presiding Judge's mouth were:
"Now you-all realize that the trial court dismissed your case back in May, right?"
You could have almost knocked me off the courtroom bench with a feather at that point. Attorney Dow and the Defense attorneys ALL argued for the court to hear the appeal and decide the matter of the injunction on the merits, because ARS 44-1221 had never been interpreted before.
All the time we were waiting for the appeals court to so SOMETHING, I kept pestering Attorney Dow with requests to do discovery, issue subpoenas, etc. All that time Attorney Dow kept insisting "We can do nothing until the appeal is resolved." Indeed the Superior Court had, in response to a "request for clarification of the preliminary injunction" issued a minute order noting that an appeal had been filed and that "...this court no longer has jurisdiction in this matter..." yet the subsequent rulings by the trial court and one more round in the Appeals court went against me, the courts saying that we should have been proceeding with discovery and pre-trial motions, status conferences, etc.
THING IS AN IDEO-STUPIDITY OF THE MARICOPA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. Any time a minute entry or order is made from a courtroom, all attorneys and unrepresented parties in a case receive a notification by e-mail or by paper mail. In this case solely because the case was dismissed administratively BY A >>BLEEPING<< COMPUTER, WITH NO HUMAN INTERVENTION NO NOTICES WERE SENT OUT TO ANYONE (except the AZ Court of Appeals, apparently).
I really would like to go after the Maricopa County Superior Court in Federal Court, alleging that they denied my civil rights and due process of law by not providing a timely notice and an opportunity to cure the procedural defect. Wouldn't hurt my feelings to go after Attorney Dow for malpractice and negligence as well... but it seems difficult to impossible to find any local attorneys that are interested in going after one of their co-workers...
3. Today we have a guest in the Studio, Andrew McColley is not only the proud owner of "UNDERDOG RECORDING STUDIOS" but is also another locksmith who is a "friendly competitor". I've said a lot about scammers, now I need to start identifying some of the local legitimate companies that play by the rules and don't engage in bait and switch.
To place requests for service while I'm on the air, send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
and we will get those requests dispatched as quickly as possible.
If you send me an e-mail, make sure to include your NAME, PHONE#, and if its about a vehicle, the YEAR, MAKE, and MODEL so I can look it up.
After the show - Call 602-717-5397 and my assistant or I will answer your call, and handle whatever problem you present efficiently and professionally to the best of our ability. You may have to leave a message if you call during the show.
. Disclaimer: THE LOCKSMITH CHARLEY SHOW is a private production of Charles Eastwood and Mr. Eastwood's views are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of INDEPENDENT TALK RADIO 11OOKFNX, the station's owners, managers, or crew or, the national association that he is a member and Southwest Director of: ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc.
ALOA-SPAI President Tom Foxwell may join us one of these nights or he may call in, but for now he's sent me this e-mail.
ALOA's official positions that I am allowed to restate are as follows:
All comments made on the Locksmith Charley Show are those of the person making the comments and not necessarily representative of ALOA-SPAI or KFNX's owners or managers.