This just in from The New York Times: Fake Online Locksmiths May Be Out to Pick Your Pocket, Too.
The local scammer issue in Arizona got a little attention today from The New York Times. They spoke to The Locksmith Show's very own Locksmith Charley about the issues we have been facing here in the valley. I don't want to give everything away from the article but they did a good job of giving the readers a brief overview of the tactics used by the scammers and what to watch out for.They also interviewed a local scammer turned good guy going by the name "Ari" that started out as an immigrant scammer but after realizing how unethical he was being he changed his ways and is now running a respectable locksmith shop here in Arizona. They talked with the scammers running fake companies about their tactics and why they use them. It is interesting to see their perspective for a second.
But even the scammer admits what he is doing is wrong and he knows it. They also interviewed Mark Baldino who has been on our show a handful of time and got his insight in to the scammer issues. This is a great article and definitely something everyone should check out
On today's show Charley was almost fashionably late so the beginning of the show was a little rushed while we got our bearings. We quickly got Charley up to date with what is going on and started in on the focus of todays show. The New York Times published an article this weekend about the locksmith scammer issue and we wanted to spend sometime covering the info they went over in the article. We had someone call in about some questions about the safes he owns and where they were manufactured. So we discussed a little about where safes are manufactured and what to look for to make sure you know where your safe is coming from. Throughout the show we talked about different things The New York Time's article covered. We had Leland with Reasonable Locksmithing call so we could get his thoughts on the article but he hadn't read it yet. Charley was having some technical difficulties trying to find where the article was posted;so we got him squared away. A little later in the show we had Mike Bronzell call in and he had a few thoughts about The New Time's article. It was a good show and we covered a lot of useful information for the consumers out there.
Photograph by Caitlin O’Hara for The New York Times